Look Good; Feel Good

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

5 Way to Fix a Sunburn Fast

This time of the year, people are going out into the sun for the first time in awhile. Well, that first time, most get pretty bad sunburns. Here are 5 ways to help get that sting out, and be able to relax!
Xoxo, Sadie Lee

Aloe Vera-If you look in any pharmacy or drug store aisle, you're sure to find shelves of aloe vera gel to soothe sunburn pain. That's because the plant has a long history of providing sunburn relief because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties 

Shaving Cream- Weird as it sounds, shaving cream often shows up in searches for home sunburn remedies. While there's no scientific evidence that shaving cream works to relieve sunburn, that doesn't mean it doesn't work. 

Vinegar- Theoretically, vinegar could help to balance the body's pH levels to take away the stinging feeling of the burn, though it likely works by just providing a cooling sensation to the skin.

Ice & Cold Showers- Common sense would tell you that if you have a burn, you should put something cold on it. And it's true -- experts agree that a cold shower can help cool the skin and make it feel better. 

Oatmeal- Oat extract has been shown in studies to have anti-inflammatory properties that could help relieve sunburn pain. It's likely that making up a batch of oatmeal and chilling it down will soothe sunburn when applied to the skin.

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