Look Good; Feel Good

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

10 Must's for Back to School

If you're anything like me right now, you're feeling stressed about school shopping. School is less than a month away for me and I just started to realize I have a million different pairs of shirts and cardigans but everyone knows they're sooo last season! Here are 10 items that are a MUST to go into the early fall season with.
Xoxo, Sadie Lee

Untitled #3

  • 3 pairs of different colored cardigans
  • 3 pairs of different colored jeans
  • 1-2 pairs of leather boots brown & black
  • 5 pairs of v-neck t-shirts all different colors
  • 6 pairs of nicer shirts
  • 4 pairs of sweathers
  • 5 pairs of lighter shirts that will look great under cardigans 
  • 3-4 pairs of skirts pencil & loose 
  • 2 pairs of belle flats
  • 1-2 pairs of girly blazers 

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